All posts tagged with dating advice guy

Celebrating Christmas while Single

This is a guest post by my friend Brad. I’m not getting paid for it. It’s up here because he’s one of the most sincere people I’ve met since working in the dating industry. Brad spent more holidays alone than he’d care to admit. He eventually learned to see his “single” time around Christmas in a better way. He has now met the love of his life and runs a website in his spare time that I’ve often recommended, Dating… read more

If the words “chop, chop” resonate with you, then here’s an online dating guide you’ll love.

Some people love to hunt. They go to garage sales and spend hours searching through acid wash jeans and broken Barbie dolls looking for the hidden treasures. They check out old bookstores, dusting off the hardcovers and carefully turning the frail, yellowing pages looking for eloquent gems. These same people might even get pleasure out of taking apart a computer and learning about all its intricacies. Personally, I’d rather jam a fork in my eye. I’m impatient. I like microwave… read more