All posts tagged with holiday

Write a dating profile that ends holiday dating disasters.

As the holiday season approaches, more singles are dating online with the hope of meeting potential mates – or at least, dates – for all the upcoming holiday parties. Without properly vetting out wrong matches, these seasonal social occasions can turn into the bleakest of white Christmases. How then do you write your online dating profile that attracts the right matches while weeding out the wrong ones?  By identifying the kind of matches you want and making clear that you’re… read more

Best Travel Dating Site for singles

This is a paid post by a friend of mine in the UK. I rarely sell my blog space, but  I’ve worked with him previously and I know that he offers a good product with integrity. Online dating covers many genres these days, and most of those dating sites have been reviewed and discussed on blogs, forums and advertisements. One dating site genre which has not yet been discussed in great details is the travel dating site! There have always… read more