All posts tagged with online dating first dates

Can the worst first date ever be the funniest (the answer is yes!)?

I usually write blog posts that provides tips on how to write your online dating profile. But, today, a client send me such a funny “bad first date” that I had to share it. Apparently this story was heard on Jay Leno. In fact, the story is a hoax. But still, it’s so funny I had to share. It also makes me wonder what your worst date story is. If you have any that you’d like to send in, please… read more

First dates and serial killers. An online dating tip every man needs to know.

I read a number of online dating profiles for men today on Plenty of Fish. There’s a section that let’s you throw ideas around for a first date. A lot of the dating profiles talked about meeting for coffee. However, a good number suggested activities like heading out on a scenic motorcycle ride or a hike on some nearby mountain. On one hand, I think it’s commendable for a guy to think of something other than the typical coffee interview. On the… read more