Does a good online dating profile even matter?

Unless you have an outstanding face and body, your looks are probably about as good or as bad as millions of other people who are dating online. As such, your dating profile – not your photo – is the only real chance you have to compete. Yet, a lot of singles don’t spend time writing a great profile. Often it’s because they get into online dating half-heartedly and not expecting much. As such, they don’t put much into it.

The result? They don’t get much out of it either.

And why would they? Going online dating with a profile that’s perfunctory is like going to a party filled with singles and you barely make an effort to engage even one of them. Then you leave the party thinking it sucked instead of you.

Give yourself a shake.

How can someone not realize how important a good presentation is?

If you go online dating and the first impression you give people is your face and a few lame lines on a dating profile, why would you get much in return? You’ve done nothing to deserve the attention of people who think they’re worth an effort (you know, the good ones – low maintenance, high self-esteem.)

Then, like hundreds of other disgruntled singles, you probably think the problem lies in online dating rather than your methods; or, that there’s no one interesting online instead of the fact that you’re the one who’s not interesting.

Besides making you sound worthwhile, a carefully crafted profile attracts the right matches and even weeds out the ones that don’t match up. A great profile gets across the kind of person you are and the kind of person you’re looking for. It’s like a good ad. An ad for Mac products attracts a different consumer than ads for Dell products, and that’s because both advertisers craft their campaigns to appeal specifically to the consumer they want.

If you want a good online dating experience – that’s up to you. If you keep having bad experiences then it’s because of you not everyone online. And, online, “you” means your profile.

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