Online dating profile help for singles in New York.

Over the past while, I’ve posted excerpts from arbitrary dating profiles that I’ve found on NYC singles sites and then I’ve critiqued them.

The excerpts have been slightly modified to maintain the anonymity of the person. The critiques are based on my work as an online dating profile writer, as well as on years of experience as a copywriter and marketing expert. Please feel free to check out my bio and my online dating profile samples.

Here’s an excerpt from the online dating profile of a 36-year old female.

Me – energetic, analytical, opinionated and intelligent, caring & emotional… Looking for the guy that can handle me! I have recently discovered that emotional compatibility is equally as important as physical!

My critique

Starting your profile with a list of adjectives is not interesting, nor is it unique. Who doesn’t think that they’re intelligent and caring? Moreover, why say you’re emotional? Who, but a sociopath, isn’t? On that note, I have to question the stability of someone who – by this age – doesn’t know that emotional and physical compatibility are equally important.

When I read this profile, all I see are red flags. Her profile went on to talk about how men don’t know what they want. Essentially, it culminated into an angry diatribe.

On a final note

For online dating profile help, start by completing my online personality quiz then submit the answers to me. You’ll be amazed at what I can do with them!



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