All posts tagged with examples of how to write your online dating profile.

Online dating and happy endings (so to speak).

Welcome to the most unique online dating blog on the web. I’m an ad writer trained to write positive, persuasive copy. I use my marketing savvy to craft online dating profiles that get noticed among the millions of others competing online. True to both my crafts, I also write the only online dating blog about men, women – and marketing! When I was younger I was given the funniest, feistiest cat ever. I named him Spunk. At the time, the… read more

Breaking Bad Season 4 and online dating profiles.

The other day I went onto Facebook and looked at the news feed. The first item was a quote by Rumi posted by a friend of mine, ““What you seek is seeking you.” Just below was a post by another friend. It read, “Be one with the universe and you’ll never be alone.” The next post, from another friend, also had something to do with gratitude or love or visualization or manifestation or some such presumably meaningful quote. Finally, I… read more

Online dating and reality checks.

When I was a little my parents told me that, if I became a Brownie, I’d get to  play ball, visit petting zoos and learn to make Oreo cookies. Instead, I had to sing strange songs around a creepy wooden owl. I was also taught needlepoint (ugh). I thought I had scored only to be sorely disappointed – and it wasn’t the only time. When I was in high school, I was told that if I took band class I’d… read more

Why some online dating profiles are a little like plastic surgery.

Breast implants and some online dating profiles have a lot in common. Both can look happy and bouncy. Both can get your attention. Both can be impossible to ignore. Yet, upon closer inspection, there’s nothing in them that’s real. The big difference is that most people won’t reject you over plastic surgery (unless you’re that horrifying cat lady, Jocelyn Wildenstein, or Carrot Top, or Mickey Rourke.) Point is, while an embellished profile might initially arouse the interest of potential suitors,… read more

Online dating and looking for a man who looks good in your clothes?

When I was little, a pigeon walked right out in front of my Mom. I blurted, “Wow pigeons are brave!” My Mom retorted, “They aren’t brave Kate; they’re dumb.” Upon scanning some dating profiles on one of the mainstream dating sites, I was reminded once again of the difference between brave and dumb. I was reading dating profiles found in the long-term relationship section of the site, not the intimate encounters section. Yet, I came across the profile of a… read more

Dating profiles and headlines that make me go ick.

Though I believe that every online dating profile should be written in a way that’s as brilliantly deliberate and as emotionally manipulative as an ad (though in advertising we use the euphemism “strategic”), I’m not convinced that the headline has as much importance. People tend to look at the photos then go straight to reading profiles. A headine is usually inconsequential unless it’s especially good or bad. My concern is with the bad ones. I scanned three sites today:,… read more

I’m a “god” guy and other reasons to spell check your dating profile.

I’ve been known to forget many things. In fact, my sister is convinced that I’ve had ridiculously early Alzheimer’s since I was six years old when I forgot to turn off the bath water and it ended up flooding her bedroom. Nevertheless, despite my memory lapses, there are just some things you never forget. For instance, I never seem to forget the words to Delta Dawn (what’s that flower you have on, could it be a faded rose…) I also… read more

If the words “chop, chop” resonate with you, then here’s an online dating guide you’ll love.

Some people love to hunt. They go to garage sales and spend hours searching through acid wash jeans and broken Barbie dolls looking for the hidden treasures. They check out old bookstores, dusting off the hardcovers and carefully turning the frail, yellowing pages looking for eloquent gems. These same people might even get pleasure out of taking apart a computer and learning about all its intricacies. Personally, I’d rather jam a fork in my eye. I’m impatient. I like microwave… read more

Anger management and online dating.

I’ve heard stories of men and women dating online who send raging emails to others online. The anger is inspired by a variety of reasons, anything from not getting a reply to disliking the content of a profile. That’s kookier than Naomi Campbell and Christian Bale put together. People online are strangers. They don’t know you so why take what they do or say personally? Instead breathe, take up a cause, count garbanzo beans or watch Celebrity Rehab to feel… read more

Spell check. The best online dating device since the block button.

Have you ever tried talking with someone whose soul patch is just slightly off center?  The person can be as witty as David Sedaris and as profound as Maya Angelou but it’s the patch, not the conversation, that has your full attention. Spelling mistakes and typos on your online dating profile are just as distracting. Worse still are grammatical errors. When I see “looking for a guy who’s totally out their” or “looking for an independant girl”, I think the… read more