All posts tagged with online dating profile writers

How to say, “I’m socially inept” on your dating profile.

Some things…no that’s not true – many things – are a mystery to me. For instance, though I couldn’t give a rat’s behind what’s inside a Caramilk bar, I would dearly love to know what’s underneath Justin Beiber’s fringe. I’d also love to know how come the Olsen twins are beginning to look like Ozzie Osbourne. Is it just the round sunglasses and frailty or is there some genetic link waiting to be disclosed by all the tabloids (or did… read more

Is your online dating profile too good for words?

Have you ever walked into a bar and suddenly members of the opposite sex threw themselves at you – without you even saying a word? Do people see you and automatically assume you’re a babe magnet? Do you find that you get by on your looks alone? If you’ve said no to one of these questions, chances are you’ve said no to all of them. So, when you join an online dating site and do nothing but post a profile… read more

Online dating and critical thinking.

One of my friends was concerned about online dating because she heard you could meet a lot of creeps on dating sites. I asked her if she had ever met creeps in a bar. She said she had. I asked her if she had ever met creeps at parties. She said yes. I asked her if she had ever met creeps at weddings. Guess what? She had. The point is you can meet creeps anywhere. Online dating sites don’t have… read more

Live love laugh, and other online dating profiles that make me wish I was illiterate.

I see live, love and laugh on enough dating profiles that I should have written a blog about it sooner. Today I actually saw it in a headline. Instead of giving in to the urge of hunting down whoever coined that preachy bit of inanity, I’ve decided to address it in my blog. Before you write “live, love and laugh”, ask yourself if you’re really prepared to make your dating profile sound like one of those cheesy inspirational greeting cards… read more

Does your online dating profile sound like an instruction manual?

Spare me the online dating profiles that have a list of “musts”. I’m sure you’ve seen them, they’re on every single dating site from PerfectMatch to They go like this: You: Must be able to carry on an intelligent conversation. Must be as comfortable dressed up as you are dressed down. Must have a career but not be married to it. Must be financially secure and independent. Funny how none of these profiles have “You must tolerate my controlling,… read more

Does this dating profile sound familiar?

I’m an independant person lol. I luv life, good food, sunsets and fun lol. Most of all, I luv to laugh lol. I’m looking for someone honest and good-hearted who’s just  as comfortable dressed up as  dressed down lol. No drama, no games, no players lol. If this intrests you, send me a massage lol. Does that profile, spelling mistakes and all, seem familiar? It should. It can be found on countless online dating sites. It seems to be the… read more

Anger management and online dating.

I’ve heard stories of men and women dating online who send raging emails to others online. The anger is inspired by a variety of reasons, anything from not getting a reply to disliking the content of a profile. That’s kookier than Naomi Campbell and Christian Bale put together. People online are strangers. They don’t know you so why take what they do or say personally? Instead breathe, take up a cause, count garbanzo beans or watch Celebrity Rehab to feel… read more

Spell check. The best online dating device since the block button.

Have you ever tried talking with someone whose soul patch is just slightly off center?  The person can be as witty as David Sedaris and as profound as Maya Angelou but it’s the patch, not the conversation, that has your full attention. Spelling mistakes and typos on your online dating profile are just as distracting. Worse still are grammatical errors. When I see “looking for a guy who’s totally out their” or “looking for an independant girl”, I think the… read more

Can you attract your ideal partner online?

Making yourself available is the first step in finding a partner. But being available doesn’t just mean being on an online dating site.  It means opening your heart to the experience, as well as opening your mind to it. That’s where Debra Berndt’s book “Let Love in” can help. It’s one of the few self-help books that doesn’t try to change you.  In fact, this book celebrates you. It’s all about helping you become clear on who you are so… read more

Are you a needy text messager?

Okay so you’ve been single awhile. You’ve been online dating site and went on numerous dates with no sparks.  Finally, you meet someone online and you hit it off from the very first date.  You’re so happy!  Eventually, you two get to the “cute and clever text messaging stage”.   Suddenly, your independent cool self turns into the thumb tapping version of Bridget Jones. Your new love sends you a text. The second you receive it, you send one right back.… read more