All posts tagged with online dating profile
Excuse me, my eyes are up here (and other online dating profile photo mistakes).

In the category of ridiculous online dating profile decisions on par with cell phone selfies are photos taken at a person’s computer. Not only is the quality poor, most people are looking at their screens rather than their cameras. Tip: the camera is above your screen. As such, you end up with a shot of your eyelids, which is only interesting if you’re Ru Paul. There are countless online dating photo faux pas’ but, for now, I’ll just address how… read more →
Martha Stewart’s online dating profile. A critique.

Usually when I critique online dating profiles, I’m either getting paid for it (I write online dating profiles, of course, but I also do phone consultations) or I do the critique here, on this blog, using only an excerpt from a random online dating profile so that it’s kept anonymous. However, given that Martha Stewart’s online dating profile on is public knowledge, I’ve cut and pasted it here. You’ll find my critiques throughout in red. ABOUT HER & WHO… read more →