Ann Coulter has nice hair and how that can improve your online dating profile.

A little while ago, Anne Coulter not only used the word “retard”, she actually criticized the word police for creating a stir over it.

When her venom became news, as it usually does, my personal Facebook page filled with long threads of contempt her.

At one point, I wrote, “She has nice hair”. I was being facetious, of course. I couldn’t care less about her hair.

In truth, I think she’s sociopathic, white collar trash who uses her significant intelligence as admirably as Dr. Death used his surgical skills.

Still, it occurred to me that if I can actually find one good thing to say about Coulter, however glibly, then how come people have such a hard time saying something good – anything good  -about their own selves?

Scan any online dating site and you’ll see from the dating profiles that people truly struggle with writing about themselves, let alone writing positively. My guess is, unlike Ms Coulter, many people are afraid of sounding arrogant. The result is, they tread so carefully, that they downplay what’s great about themselves.

As an ad writer, I’ve spent most of my career putting a positive spin on products and services. I’ve made chemically laden jelly cakes sound delicious. I’ve made recycling sound fascinating. I’ve even made technology sound simple.

As an ad writer who’s also an online dating profile writer (feel free to check my bio), I know the value of a good presentation. As such, I have a tip that will help you put forth your most appealing traits without actually sounding arrogant and that is – use humor as a balancing technique. You can play yourself up but also add a small, humorous admission of “imperfection”. Here are three examples of how to write your online dating profile in a fun, however modest, way:

I’m a great cook. Beef Nihari. Barbecued Shrimp with ginger. Coq au Vin. I’ve learned that the more I cook, the less I’m expected to do dishes. I confess, I’m not the neatest guy.

I box. I lift weights. I’m also an official Tough Mudder. But if a snake comes anywhere near me, I swear I’ll cry like a baby.

If humor doesn’t come easily to you, here’s another example of how to put a positive spin on yourself, while still showing humility:

My greatest talent came from my Mom. She was a fabulous purse designer and taught me everything she knew.

For more examples of how to write your online dating profile, be sure to have a look at my online dating profile samples.

On a final note, finding love rates as one of the most rewarding and most important things in life. So, if you’re on that quest, let me help you. Not only do I know how to use marketing techniques to make your profile positive and persuasive, I also use your words and anecdotes so that the profile genuinely sounds like you.

So give it a try. Start by completing the online personality quiz. It’s a great tool for revealing some fun facts and anecdotes that can be incorporated into your profile.

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