Online dating profile writing tip: find your inner Yoko.

In the news this week: Lindsay went braless (gasp), Beyonce posed for H & M, and Yoko Ono tweeted shots of John Lennon’s bloody glasses to deliver her opinion on gun control.

Yoko__Ono_460Of these women, who do you think is the sexiest? My vote goes to Yoko. At 80 years old, she boasts a fearless and fearsome passion – that is, a power – that can outstrip, outshake and outdo women well over half her age.

She’s been like that since we’ve known her. So my point isn’t that age is sexy. My point is that strong personalities are – and they’re ageless. Put brains, conviction and defiance together and you can’t help but be mesmerized and excited by a person who boasts these traits.

Presumably, Beyonce writes songs that empower women, which implies that she herself is a commanding force.

Personally, I’d take Yoko Ono’s way of delivering a message long before I’d ever be inspired by “bow down bitches” or “now you wanna trip ‘cause another brotha noticed me”. Is that because I’m a writer? Maybe. All I know is that using the kind of grammar that keeps most people below poverty level doesn’t exude any kind of sexy cool to me. But Yoko?  She has it. The sexiness associated to power has usually been linked to men but, let’s face, we’re drawn to it regardless of gender.

What does this have to do with online dating profiles? Everything. Whether you’re a man or woman, remember to project your power when you’re writing your online dating profile. It will make you more attractive than youth and beauty ever could. That’s not to say that you have to be arrogant or dictatorial or political, for that matter. Rather, be engaging and disarming all the while presenting self-confidence.

Be unapologetically you. It’s sexy.

After all, if a small 80-year old woman whose never been known for her looks can make us all bow down to the mighty being she is, then you can too.

On a final note

If you have difficulty presenting yourself in a strong, confident way, let me help you. As a marketing expert, I know how to uncover your real beauty. As a professional copywriter, I also know how to present it using your words and anecdotes. Have a look at my online dating profile samples and see for yourself. Better yet, get started with the personality questionnaire then send your answers to me. You’ll be amazed at what I can do with them.



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