All posts tagged with online dating profile writing advice
Her dating profile was so sweet, then this happened.

See what I did with my headline? I gave it a sensational quality, but for no reason. It’s called bait and switch. It’s a form of advertising writing that uses deception to attract people to a product or service. It fools them into thinking they’ll be clicking for one reason, but when they do – it’s not what they expected. It’s an old trick and I just I fell for it myself. I was scrolling through online dating profiles that I could review for… read more →
Online dating profiles and lessons learned from lip syncing.

Does your online dating profile need a wrecking ball? I’m a big fan of celebrity lip syncing battles. They’re funny, creative and memorable. I doubt I’ll ever forget Anne Hathaway’s, Wrecking Ball, any time soon (or that finger). What else do I think lip sync battles are? Inspiring. How? Because they teach us three big lessons about marketing ourselves. Want to write a great online dating profile? Then take a cue from these comedians. 1. Dust off your dating profile and make… read more →
Meet the hiking boot that takes online dating to new heights.

I was putting together my monthly newsletter. It includes a section on how certain techniques used to write billboards can help us when marketing our own selves. In doing the research for that section, I came across this billboard and I just loved it! It’s so simple, catchy and memorable. It’s also a very good example of how you can take something commonplace, like a hiking boot, and make it stand out. Better yet, that otherwise boring shoelace becomes magical… read more →
Online Dating Profiles. Oh The Agony, Part 27.

I remember the first time I saw a brow furrow. It was my Mom’s. It happened when she watched me place a bowl of ice cream into the microwave. It happened again when I explained that heating the ice cream brought out the taste. I’ve learned a lot about brow furrows since that day.Mainly I’ve discovered that, however adept I am at causing them on others, nothing beats reading online dating profiles when it comes to causing them on me.… read more →
Online dating profile writing tip: find your inner Yoko.

In the news this week: Lindsay went braless (gasp), Beyonce posed for H & M, and Yoko Ono tweeted shots of John Lennon’s bloody glasses to deliver her opinion on gun control. Of these women, who do you think is the sexiest? My vote goes to Yoko. At 80 years old, she boasts a fearless and fearsome passion – that is, a power – that can outstrip, outshake and outdo women well over half her age. She’s been like that… read more →