Meet the hiking boot that takes online dating to new heights.


Woodland hiking boot

I was putting together my monthly newsletter. It includes a section on how certain techniques used to write billboards can help us when marketing our own selves.

In doing the research for that section, I came across this billboard and I just loved it! It’s so simple, catchy and memorable.

It’s also a very good example of how you can take something commonplace, like a hiking boot, and make it stand out.

Better yet, that otherwise boring shoelace becomes magical when it’s used with such creativity! I mean, it’s a climbing rope, how fun!

So, when you’re writing your dating profile and you’re listing activities that you don’t think are especially interesting or unique, then remember this ad and think of a way to add a detail that can transform the activity from mundane to engaging.

For instance, if you love hiking – add a funny mention about how you can’t live without family, friends and, especially, your hiking boots.

You don’t need to be as clever as a billboard. In fact, it’s ill-advised to be too glib and funny. However, you can add little details that make your online dating profile more interesting for the reader by transforming the usual into the unique.

If you’d like to learn more about improving your presentation, have a look at my online dating profile samples and be sure to sign up for the monthly newsletter. Within two days of signing up, I’ll review your online profile and send you one free tip on how to improve it.

Oh and just to make it all easier on yourself – hire me!

PS: If anyone knows who created this billboard, please let me know so that I can credit the team and/or agency. Thanks!

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