What’s more exciting than a dating profile with Live Love Laugh?

I saw a commercial the other day about a “Keeping up with the Kardashians” marathon. Apparently, three back-to-back episodes would be airing and they were not to be missed.

When I saw that I thought to myself “could anything be worse?”

I realized, yes, something could be worse. What in the world could that be? Seeing three back-to-back online dating profiles with the words, Live Love Laugh. I kid you not. I was exposed to three one after the other. Just seeing one makes my eye twitch uncontrollably.

Oh Rihanna, you're soooo pretty!

I’ve seen these inane preachy words on countless online dating profiles. Given that profiles are meant to be opportunities to attract a significant other, I don’t understand why anyone would think those words would inspire someone to send a wink or an email. They’re meaningless and shallow.


As a marketing expert and online dating profile writer, I want nothing more than to help people make their profiles stand out and get responses. So let me make this very clear: Live Love Laugh needs to be deleted.

To be even clearer, here are just 10 examples of things that are more interesting than profiles
with the words, Live Love Laugh.

1. Tap water

2. Charlie Sheen’s rants, Lohan’s stealing, Mel’s court battle

3. Oprah’s latest diet

4. Rihanna’s drivel on Chelsea Lately

5. That Bush guy on that gossip show

6. Gwyneth Paltrow

7. American Idol (though I admit an endless fascination with Steven Tyler’s cosmetic surgery)

8. Prunes

9. ING TV commercials

10. William Shatner’s Raw Nerve (just kidding, it’s not at all interesting)

All sarcasm aside, I know that people are just trying to sound happy and engaging when they use these expressions. However, words of inspiration don’t belong on a dating profile unless you’re looking for a country singer or a preacher. Your dating profile is a marketing opportunity. It’s your chance to stand out and shine. I’ve written enough dating profiles to know that everyone has interesting qualities and anecdotes. So share them and make your online dating profile stand out.

In fact, feel free to go straight to the personality quiz. It costs nothing to do, but will help you uncover some of your most unique and interesting traits.

The online dating samples of my work could also give you an idea of how to craft your profile.

Then again, my best suggestion is that you hire a professional online dating profile writer trained in marketing – me!

On a final note, if you like the blogs, then I think you’ll like the tweets.
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