All posts tagged with online dating profile writer
Online dating profiles and lessons learned from lip syncing.

Does your online dating profile need a wrecking ball? I’m a big fan of celebrity lip syncing battles. They’re funny, creative and memorable. I doubt I’ll ever forget Anne Hathaway’s, Wrecking Ball, any time soon (or that finger). What else do I think lip sync battles are? Inspiring. How? Because they teach us three big lessons about marketing ourselves. Want to write a great online dating profile? Then take a cue from these comedians. 1. Dust off your dating profile and make… read more →
The guilty online dating profile writer is here.
Usually, you can come here and get a lot of good advice on online dating (and even better advice on writing your online dating profile). However, I’ve been swamped. Besides writing dating profiles, I’m busy trying to develop a confidence-building personal branding course for men. A version for women will follow. Once things settled down a bit, I’ll be right back to blogging. My apologies. In the meantime, please feel free to look through the archives for solid tips on how… read more →
What Tyrion can teach us about personal branding and online dating.

Tyrion Lannister stands under four and half feet tall. He also has short arms and a big head. Yet, despite his physical shortcomings, he’s one of the most compelling and beloved characters in Game of Thrones. Rather than apologize for what he lacks, he constantly amplifies his sizable qualities. He’s a man of courage and principle. He’s also strikingly intelligent and sardonic. His incisive remarks are enough to bring adversaries to their knees (or his!). He’s a critical, independent thinker… read more →
Has online dating killed romance?

A lot of people are under the impression that online dating isn’t romantic. The strategy and deliberation used throughout the process ruin any opportunity for spontaneity and kismet. I disagree. I think online dating has allowed romance to keep blossoming. It used to be romantic for a man to run after a woman and say, “Hey, I can’t take my eyes off you, let’s go out”. Nowadays, that same poor schlep would get slapped with a restraining order. There’s nothing… read more →
Dear Boomer: Is your online dating profile getting old?

Dating profiles plastered with clichés are never interesting to read. I’ve seen “life is short”, “loves to laugh” and “live love laugh” fill up more dating profiles than pink slime bulks up burgers. People of all ages do it and boomers are no exception. Yet of all age groups I’ve worked with boomers are by far the ones with the most interesting anecdotes and experiences to share. After all, they’ve lived longer and overcome more. Still, despite having years of… read more →
Online dating safety tips for women that every man needs to know.

I had a colleague once who was dating online. He had met a woman a couple of times for coffee, then arranged to go on a real date to a concert. He suggested they take his car. She countered that she’d prefer to take separate cars and meet there. He was so insulted. To his mind she was treating him like a criminal. As far as he was concerned, if she didn’t trust him then he’d have nothing to with… read more →
How to improve your dating profile with just one word.

The dating profile featured today has a profile writing mistake that I see frequently. Usually, it’s an approach that men fall into, but it’s clearly still applicable to both single men and women. The best way to avoid profile writing mistakes is to hire me even if it’s just for a consultation. However, if you can’t, then I hope that regularly featuring excerpts followed by insights will help. From the dating profile of a 28-year old woman. Fun, girly girl,… read more →
If life is so short why did you write a 972-word dating profile?

I just read an online dating profile that started with “life is short”. It then spent nearly 1,000 words proving this to be a false claim. As one who read every single word, time did not pass quickly. Most singles don’t ramble to that extent on their dating profiles. However, many do ramble and for too long. Here are two tips to prevent that mistake: 1) Keep the About Me to about 250 words and no more than 300. If… read more →
Online dating is not the problem. You are.

I read an online dating advice column today where a widow of three years wrote in to say that online dating wasn’t working for her. She explained that she’d been out on several dates with men with whom she connected with. However, they didn’t connect with her. To my surprise, the advice columnist suggested that she stop online dating because she might find better luck meeting people in person at classes or activity clubs. Huh? The widow was having success… read more →
Online dating profiles and moving targets.

Oh did I ever find an online dating profile mistake worth addressing! This excerpt features one of the biggest online dating profile writing mistakes ever. I see it often and it’s wrong for so many reasons. Here goes: From the online dating profile of a 32-year old woman. I’m a pretty cool person. I am a good friend. If you know me then you know who I am and what I’m all about. I can be loud and funny, but… read more →