Going for gold in the competitive sport of online dating. Part 2 of 3.

Online dating is highly competitive. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of men and women competing for attention and going after some of the same matches. So how do you get noticed? By making your entire presentation powerful from start to finish.

This is the second of two blog posts to help you be the best you can be. Be sure to read the first online dating blog post too.

UnknownWrite a dating profile that shows off your personality (unless, of course, you want people to think you don’t have one).

A profile photo is what gets you noticed first. If you pass that initial scrutiny, the next important step is your actual dating profile. This is where a person will determine if you’re lame or game.

If a person thinks you’re attractive, chances are your interests won’t be seriously scrutinized. Your personality, however, will be. So you need to shine. After all, no matter how good looking you are, there’s a lot of competition out there. Your dating profile is one more opportunity to sell yourself.

Though I suggest you hire me for a consultation or to write your dating profile on your behalf, here are a few key tips in the meantime:

1) Don’t list your interests, describe them concisely and with rich anecdotes.

For instance, I had a client who loved to cycle. One day, she fell off her bike and was helped up by none other than Spiderman – yes, superhero, Toby McGuire. It was such an unusual anecdote that we included it in her profile.

I have a few of my own: I hypnotist fell asleep on me (seriously); I was expelled from school because I was caught lip syncing in music class; I had a cat with extra toes and one missing a leg both at the same time.

Fact is, we all have some pretty odd experiences. So, cull from them and make your dating profile unique and interesting.

2) Don’t try to be sexy, funny or badass. Just be yourself. After all, you want someone who loves who you are versus whom you’re not.

Ad technique to make your online dating profile work hard (so you don’t have to).

In advertising, we “target the audience”. That is we do everything we can to weed out wrong matches and attract right ones. This is accomplished in a number of ways the medium we select (for instance, a high-end restaurant is not likely to use bus shelters to sell its products) to the tone we set (an TV spot for a high-end restaurant will have a different tone than one for a pizza joint).

In online dating, you can do this by following tips one (which makes sets a tone) and two (which makes clear who you are so that you attract who wants you), as well as tip 3:

3) Make your deal breakers evident. If you don’t want kids, then include that in your settings. If you want a specific age range, add that to your settings too. Whether you’re looking for a casual relationship, or one that’s for the long-term, settings give you an opportunity to make that clear too.

I’m not suggesting that you fill your dating profile with negatives. What I’m saying is to use the settings to weed people out and be true to yourself. By not casting a wide net, you’re more likely to attract the right matches.

In addition, it’ll make the whole online dating experience much more efficient and rewarding.

Read this blog post for more ad techniques you can apply to your online dating profile.

Also be sure to watch for Part 3 of going for online dating gold.

Question for you.

What’s one of  your random anecdotes? Feel free to add it to the comments below.

Best ever ad technique to make you stand out.

Hire a marketing expert  to write your dating profile on your behalf (specifically me, that is!). There are two kinds of advertising: hard sell and soft sell. I’m an expert at soft sell. That means I know how to use subtle, persuasive techniques to make your dating profile remarkable.

Better yet, because I ask a lot of questions – and the right ones – I’m able to craft a profile using your answers, anecdotes and expressions so that it’s true to you.

Here are excerpts from great online dating profiles that I’ve written so that you can see for yourself. Better yet, get started here.

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