All posts tagged with online dating profile writing mistakes
Dear Online Dater: I think you found the love of your life – and it’s you.

Tall, dark, handsome and intelligent man looking for compatible partner. People who meet me always tell me I’m beautiful but, what you can’t tell from looking at me, is that I’m beautiful on the inside too. Those lines you just read? I actually saw them on a dating site I scanned the other day. Both dating profiles were tremendously appealing, but probably only to me and for all the wrong reasons. I love bad marketing. It gives me private self-satisfied… read more →
Online dating: Go for gold and beat your competition. Part 3 of 3.

Online dating may be about finding love. However, to be successful, you have to beat your competition (I know, I know…I’m such a romantic). To do so, you have to everything from making your online dating profile photos stand out to making your online dating “About Me” section better than anyone else’s. Even after that, there’s still one big hurdle to overcome – your first email. It has two objectives: it has to be read and it has to elicit… read more →
Going for gold in the competitive sport of online dating. Part 2 of 3.

Online dating is highly competitive. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of men and women competing for attention and going after some of the same matches. So how do you get noticed? By making your entire presentation powerful from start to finish. This is the second of two blog posts to help you be the best you can be. Be sure to read the first online dating blog post too. Write a dating profile that shows off your personality (unless,… read more →
How to improve your dating profile with just one word.

The dating profile featured today has a profile writing mistake that I see frequently. Usually, it’s an approach that men fall into, but it’s clearly still applicable to both single men and women. The best way to avoid profile writing mistakes is to hire me even if it’s just for a consultation. However, if you can’t, then I hope that regularly featuring excerpts followed by insights will help. From the dating profile of a 28-year old woman. Fun, girly girl,… read more →
When bad dating profiles provide a good sleep.

There’s really nothing like an online dating profile that makes you sleepy. I found one today on Plenty of Fish that had a very common – and very boring – online dating profile writing mistake. Here’s an excerpt from it. Try to stay awake for the critique that follows. If you can’t hire me to help you write your online dating profile, then hopefully the insights here will help you when it comes time for you to write your own.… read more →
How to ruin your chances at online dating without saying a word.

I saw the online dating profile by a man whose words made my eye twitch. On one hand he wrote, “If I describe myself here what will we have to talk about?”. On the other hand he followed with, “let’s meet for dinner and good conversation.” Really? Does someone actually think that, by not filling out their dating profile, they can sell others on the promise of being a good conversationalist? 3 more reasons why “Want to know just ask” is… read more →
Not-so-Funny Online Dating Profiles. Tip for Dec.19, 2013.

I have to caution singles dating online about the use of humor. It can so easily fail. You may be funny, but online profiles don’t convey tone very well. Nor do emails. So, while I encourage a bit of humor and lightheartedness, I nevertheless suggest you to do it with discretion. I found a dating profile on okCupid and it carried humor from start to finish. Here’s an excerpt of it followed by my critique. By showing you the mistake,… read more →
How to write a dating profile. Tips for Dec. 16, 2013.

I found an online dating profile today on okCupid. I’ve selected it because it has an opener that has been poorly thought out and needs to be addressed. By featuring excerpts as I do and then offering suggestions on how they could be improved, I hope to make it easier for you to see mistakes that you too might be making when writing your online dating profile. From the profile of a 32-year old woman. I work a lot. So… read more →
Online Dating Profile Writing Tips for Dec.13th, 2013.

I happened upon a dating profile while scanning Plenty of Fish today and, within it, is a very good example of a profile writing mistake. As such, I’m featuring an excerpt from it here followed by my critique. Hopefully, you’ll gain insight from it too. From the dating profile of a 48-year old man. I am an outgoing guy, love extreme sports, skiing, hockey, racing, motorbiking, skidooing, and love doing Tough Mudder. Other than riding horses, you name it and… read more →
Men’s Online Dating Profiles. Tips for Dec.9, 2013

I visited Plenty of Fish today and read a number of men’s dating profiles. I found one that was friendly and positive throughout, but wasn’t engaging enough. By providing you with an excerpt and my critique, hopefully it will prevent you from making the same mistakes. Women can benefit from this critique as well because it applies to women’s online dating profiles too. The mistakes here are pretty common and not gender-specific. From the dating profile of a 37-year old guy.… read more →