How Angie’s leg made it into in a dating blog.

I write ads. I write online dating profiles. I also write the only blog about men, women and marketing.

The biggest news at this year’s Academy Awards was not that a black and white film won Best Picture for the first time in nearly 80 years. Nor was it that Octavia Spencer received a tear-inducing standing ovation, or that 82-year old Christopher Plummer was finally recognized.  None of those made the news quite in the same way that Angelina’s leg did.

Personally, the only way I could ever find her limb interesting is if Brad Pitt was gnawing at it to escape her oppressively narcissistic leg hold.  Her adoring fans (of which I’m clearly not one) could then capture the bloody mess in little vials to be worn lovingly around their necks.

But, I digress.  All to say that this particular dating blog is dedicated to body parts.

What female body parts do men prefer?


You know that trapped animal look a man gets when a woman asks, “does this make me look fat?”.  I believe I found  the Google equivalent.

When I typed, “What do men like most in the female body”, the page was filled with answers by women’s sites like and glamour, but male representation was suspiciously absent.

Gloria Steinem may have done a lot for women’s lib. But words like, “do you think I’m fat?” have done a lot for female empowerment. Men, such fraidy cats.

What male body parts do women love?

A female blogger for relationship4adults listed nearly every male body part from eyes to feet, except for…um…the Johnson. Yet, an article on not only mentions baloney ponies, but tongues too.


Celebrity body parts that are insured.

There’s a great article on that lists 11 celebrities who’ve insured their body parts. For instance, Tom Jones had his chest hair insured. Have times ever changed! Now everyone likes a smooth chest.

In other chest news…

Holly Madison and Dolly Parton have insured their breasts. I can see why Holly would have them covered, so to speak, given that they’re her biggest assets, but Dolly? I thought her voice was what made her big, so to speak. Anyway, if she feels that’s important then she has my full support, so to speak. I wonder if inflation (or deflation), so to speak, plays into the negotiations?

Okay, okay….I’ll stop. I’m not usually one to fill out, so to speak, a blog with puns (oh like you wouldn’t stoop to that yourself!)

Body parts, advertising and dangerous distortions.

Though I love my industry, there’s one part of it that I find irresponsible and despicable. That is – the impossible standards of beauty imposed on women. With photoshop, surgery and dieting – taller, skinnier, younger, bustier women (or just their disembodied parts) sell everything from cars to condiments. Media awareness network has a good article analyzing some of the reasons for it.

Last week was National Eating Disorder Awareness Week. As such, this ad for Plus Model Magazine seems appropriate. Like all good ads, it stands out by being unique, striking and clear. It also isn’t crafted for mass appeal. Many people could be offended by two naked women embracing (one who appears young). Still, it’s more important to deliver a strong message to a few than a vague one to many (true for dating profiles too).

My favorite part of this blog.

This is the part of the blog where you learn that there’s no need for you to fill out the self-summary of your online dating profile. Instead, you can hire me to do it.  I’m an ad writer. I know how to use ad techniques to make you stand out in the most interesting and positive way. Better still, I use your words and anecdotes so that your profile is true to you (and not me). Time and again I’ve had clients say, “That really sounds like me!”.

See the difference ad writing makes – check out my samples of online dating profiles and LinkedIn profiles. Better still, get started by completing the online personality quiz. It’s the first step to a great online dating profile. The second step is to hire me. Also, if you like what you’ve read, then join me on Twitter and Facebook page.



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