Online Dating Profiles and Kimye.

1371650585000-kim-kardashian-cover-300-1306191004_3_4The other day I read that Kanye West is a great dad and has been for the entire two months that he’s been a Dad. After all, he flew in for the birth of his child and has been by her side since.


It seems Kim’s maternal instincts are inspiring too. When Pussycat Dolls founder, Robin Antin, saw her holding the baby, she couldn’t help but gush, ‘Oh, my God. You’re a natural.’ It’s true. Not everyone can hold a baby.

Besides, who better to comment on motherhood than a woman best known for setting the feminist movement back to a time when being a mom was the only decent job available to women.


Personally, I’m not convinced that doting on your newborn makes you a great dad. I think it makes you typical. Nor am I convinced that holding a baby is worthy of “Oh my God”. Perhaps I’m cynical.

Or…wait a minute…

Perhaps I’m just not easily impressed with the basics. That a Dad is around for the birth of his child is something pretty common. That parents are absorbed in the new lives of their offspring isn’t exactly earth-shattering either.

This brings me to writing your online dating profiles and assessing what counts as notable. That you’re nice is a basic. That you’re honest is a basic. That you enjoy your friends is not only a basic, it’s so elementary that it borders on “duh”.

Aren’t friends your friends because you like them?

So before you fill out your online dating profile with words synonymous with lame, I suggest you take a really good look at what truly makes you stand out. You’re nice? How so? Are you nice as in “I give elderly people my seat on the bus” or are you nice as in “I build homes for humanity”?

You’re honest? Okay, does that mean you don’t cheat on your taxes, which you shouldn’t anyway, or does that mean you’re willing to lose your job because you’re true to your values?

In other words, some qualities are nothing more than how a decent person should be and therefore not worthy of mention let alone promotion; whereas others are actually notable.

When you fill out your dating profile, keep that in perspective and only tout the qualities that actually have an above average standard. In fact, avoid being average altogether by hiring me to write your online dating profile.

I ask the kind of questions that help me uncover your unique – and most notable – stories, expressions and your quirks (sometimes these are the most fun and disarming). Then I write a dating profile using all your words and anecdotes so that it ends up sounding like you wrote it – just better, of course!

See for yourself, check out my samples of online dating profiles, or just get started with the personality questionnaire and send your answers to me. You’ll be surprised at what I can do with them!


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