All posts tagged with writing your online dating profile
When great lives make bad dating profiles.

I read the online dating profile of a 43-year old woman today. It felt like the literary equivalent of a smiley face – happy, but lacking in substance. Here’s an excerpt: I have a great job, great kids, great outlook on life and a great sense of humour. I love to do things and enjoy everything I can. She uses “great” so many times that she sounds like Jessica, the Daily Affirmation girl – who’s really cute, but also just… read more →
Online dating is not the problem. You are.

I read an online dating advice column today where a widow of three years wrote in to say that online dating wasn’t working for her. She explained that she’d been out on several dates with men with whom she connected with. However, they didn’t connect with her. To my surprise, the advice columnist suggested that she stop online dating because she might find better luck meeting people in person at classes or activity clubs. Huh? The widow was having success… read more →
Online Dating Profiles and 2 mistakes to avoid.

When I scanned online dating sites today looking for a dating profile to critique in this blog, I found one with two big mistakes. I’m guessing you can spot one because it’s hard to miss. The other is more subtle and it’s a mistake that a lot of people make when they’re writing their dating profiles. If you can’t hire me to write yours on your behalf, then I hope the following will help when it comes to crafting your… read more →
Not-so-Funny Online Dating Profiles. Tip for Dec.19, 2013.

I have to caution singles dating online about the use of humor. It can so easily fail. You may be funny, but online profiles don’t convey tone very well. Nor do emails. So, while I encourage a bit of humor and lightheartedness, I nevertheless suggest you to do it with discretion. I found a dating profile on okCupid and it carried humor from start to finish. Here’s an excerpt of it followed by my critique. By showing you the mistake,… read more →
Online Dating Profile Writing Tips for Dec.13th, 2013.

I happened upon a dating profile while scanning Plenty of Fish today and, within it, is a very good example of a profile writing mistake. As such, I’m featuring an excerpt from it here followed by my critique. Hopefully, you’ll gain insight from it too. From the dating profile of a 48-year old man. I am an outgoing guy, love extreme sports, skiing, hockey, racing, motorbiking, skidooing, and love doing Tough Mudder. Other than riding horses, you name it and… read more →
Today’s tip for writing your online dating profile. Dec.5, 2013.
I like to post the excerpt of a random dating profile and then critique it. I choose profiles that have fairly common mistakes to prevent you from making them too. I found today’s excerpt on okCupid. I’ve noticed that profiles on free sites tend to be less savvy than those on paid sites. Yet, free or not, you’re online and you’re goal is to be attractive. So, while a free site might not cost you, a bad profile can cost… read more →
Online Dating Profile Writing Tips for Wed. Nov.27, 2014.

Today I explored and read the dating profiles of both men and women. I kept finding one common and constant marketing mistake. Though it’s one that I’ve addressed previously, it warrants another mention. Below you’ll find an excerpt from one of the dating profiles that carries the mistake followed by my critique. From the dating profile of a 38-year old woman. I’m often described as fun, sarcastic, loving, optimistic, kind, compassionate, intelligent, easy going, thoughtful, friendly, outgoing, resourceful, resilient… read more →
Online dating profiles and “what your friends say”.

I’ve read a few dating profiles of late that begin with “friends say I’m…” Often this is followed by a list of positive adjectives. I even saw one profile the other day that read, “friends say I’m an adventurous 6 foot tall athletic male”. I looked at the photo and he was a woman. Just kidding. He was, indeed, six feet tall and athletic, but I doubt very much that his friends would describe him that way. When I read… read more →
Online dating and the insignificance of your headline (gasp!).

As someone who’s spent years as a copywriter, I know the importance of headlines. In fact, ad writers often spend hours on them. After all, great headlines can ultimately maximize a client’s investment. Conversely, bad headlines can backfire badly. Yet, despite the fact that I’ve sent clients big bills for writing one simple headline – and I sincerely believe that they’re worth their weight in gold in most cases – I confess they have little value when it comes to… read more →
Online dating in track pants.

I confess. When I was online dating, I sat behind my computer in track pants. My hair was usually in a tousled ponytail. I wore socks with no shoes. Truth be told, had it not been for the fact that I shower daily, I was pretty much ungroomed. Oh and I’d eat little sesame snacks too. Crumby does not begin to describe what my keyboard looked like. It didn’t matter though. Who would know? I sat behind the anonymity of… read more →