All posts tagged with online dating profile mistakes
Online dating in track pants.

I confess. When I was online dating, I sat behind my computer in track pants. My hair was usually in a tousled ponytail. I wore socks with no shoes. Truth be told, had it not been for the fact that I shower daily, I was pretty much ungroomed. Oh and I’d eat little sesame snacks too. Crumby does not begin to describe what my keyboard looked like. It didn’t matter though. Who would know? I sat behind the anonymity of… read more →
Online dating and “what does fair have to do with it”.

I’ve seen a number of dating profiles with variations on the words, “Must have pic. It’s only fair.” Fair? Really? Fair is to online dating what big toes are to fried chicken. That is – totally unrelated. Actually, let me make this even clearer: Fair is to online dating what otters are to Barry White. Fair is to online dating what spleens are to overdue library books. Fair is to online dating what pedicures are to kiwi fruit. I could go on.… read more →
Online Dating Profiles and Tips for Cell Phone Selfies.

I don’t understand why some singles continue to take self-portraits with their cell phones. More perplexing still is that they usually do it while looking at themselves through a bathroom mirror. I’ve come to realize that cell phone pictures are the online dating equivalent of comb-overs and wearing socks with sandals. Though everyone makes fun of them, some people miraculously think they can get away with them. I suggest that you can’t. Taking a cell phone selfie in the bathroom is… read more →
Luv and online dating profiles.

Not long ago, I noticed that people were throwing around the expression “I heart” rather than saying “I love”. I assume this was meant to be cute. Personally, as a writer and someone over 3 years of age, I found it to be annoying. I’m fine with using a heart as a symbol for love. It’s a great visual and has certainly been used successfully in the ads for New York. However, to use it instead of love in a… read more →
Dear Geraldo, 70 is not the new 50.

Online dating success for boomers. To every boomer out there, let me say this: don’t trade your dignity for a cell phone self-portrait of your half-naked upper body. Look carefully through your progressive lenses and note that, while your abs may be tight, your skin isn’t. That’s because you aren’t 20. You aren’t 30. You’re not even 40. For the record, if you’re 70 then you’re also not 50 – and that’s okay. When Geraldo tweeted a half-naked selfie along… read more →
Online Dating Profile Dos, Don’ts And “Oh No You Didn’ts”.
As someone who’s spent about 20 years as a marketing expert and ad writer, I know the importance of a good presentation. Now that I also write online dating profiles, I’m fully immersed in the world of personal presentations too. As a result, I’ve picked up a lot of suggestions. Here are just a few: Online dating dos 1) Do wear clothes. That is – apparel other than undershirts, Santa outfits and bathing suits. 2) Do write a profile. One long… read more →
Online Dating Profiles & “the time is now” (which it isn’t).

As one who’s been in advertising for 20 years (check out my bio), I’ve worked with a lot of clients. Some understood marketing. Others, inexplicably, thought they did. For instance, I had a client who believed that his headline, “are you a man or a clown”, would be a great way to advertise age-defying moisturizer that had nothing to do with clowns (or men, for that matter). I also had a client insist that the words “as easy as magic”… read more →
Online dating profiles and decorum.

The other day while walking along a busy street, a woman yelled to her friend a few feet away, “I have to pee. I’ll be right back.” I don’t have an issue with people urinating. I do it frequently myself. However, I do take issue with people announcing their intentions so publicly and to so many strangers (I’m also not a fan of the word “pee” for anyone over 13 years old, but so be it). Later that day as… read more →
Online dating profiles and Abercombie & Fitch

The other day I happened upon an online dating profile that wounded me with its cruelty. Here’s an excerpt: i love the bombardment of older overweight woman,lol. Whats with that,lol. So i,m a tall hansome guy, so do tell me what i would want from an older overweight woman,lol really,lol. And by no means do i mean to offend or hurt anyone with age or size but really, think about it. Though I’m not overweight, reading this caused me pain.… read more →
Online Dating Profiles. The Agony, part 26.

I stay abreast of behavioral trends by regularly scanning dating sites and, specifically, reading online dating profiles. As a marketing expert and online dating profile writer, it’s essential that I not only see the evolution of dating behavior, but keep ahead of it too. The most powerful marketing is based on research and…oh who am I kidding? I don’t do it because I’m driven by admirable professionalism. I do it because online dating profiles are to me what Honey Boo… read more →