“The” tip to writing your online dating profile.

I’m a copywriter and marketing expert who writes online dating profiles. As such, I’m always asked “from your advertising perspective, what’s the best advice for writing an online dating profile”.  My answer? If you want your online dating profile to stand out then you have to make the offer clear – and “you” are that offer.

Many people avoid being specific about interests and activities because they don’t want to be pigeonholed or alienate people (even though opposites attract just as readily as those who are like-minded). They figure that keeping their interests broad or ambiguous will make them all things to all people and allow them cast a wide net. In fact, being all things to all people just ends up making you one of many.

It’s a bad strategy. It’s also a big reason why people fail when online dating.

Great ads and great online dating profiles have one trait in common – they make the offer clear (check out my samples of online dating profiles and see what I mean). Again, you’re that offer. Celebrate the interests, traits and even quirks that make you unique and separate you from the crowd.  Be specific about your interests – and keep them focused to a few core ones.

Listing a broad range of interests so that you can “cast a wide net” can end up sounding like a tampon commercial (forgive the comparison!): I run, I swim, I jog, I hike, I bike. Sometimes the lists are endless.  Never are they interesting. Who wants to read a dry catalogue of information?

So be yourself and make your interests, lifestyle and activities clear and specific.  The best way to do that is with anecdotes. For help finding good one, be sure to complete my personality quiz. It sounds like a gimmick, but it’s not. It’s a great way to help you uncover some of your unique aspects.

Even better  – submit your answers to me. Not only am I trained to make you stand out,  I use all your words and anecdotes to do it (making your dating profile 100% genuine). Not sure? Then check out my samples of online dating profiles and see for yourself. Finding love and finding a job are among some of life’s most important goals. It’s worth the investment.

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