All posts tagged with online dating don’ts

Online Dating. Tips For Writing Your Profile Dec. 7, 2013.

Usually I post excerpts from random dating profiles followed by a critique. I do this so that I can call attention to common online dating mistakes and, in doing so, prevent other singles from making the same ones. Today though, I’m going to skip the excerpt and go straight to the critique. I noticed something today that I see far too often –  online dating photos that carry  captions like “I no longer have a beard” or “I’ve since dyed… read more

Online dating profile writing tips for Dec.2, 2013

I regularly post excerpts from online dating profiles and then critique them. I find the dating profiles by scanning sites and then picking one profile that has a relatively common mistake. By doing so, my goal is to find an example that you can relate to so that, in turn, you avoid the mistake yourself. From the profile of a 51-year old man. Hi. I’m a pretty honest guy and I look ‘alright’ (but that’s for you to decide).  I… read more

Writing your dating profile. Tips for Nov.26, 2014

Today I’m featuring an excerpt from an online dating profile that I found on The reason why I chose it is because it has one big profile writing mistake that I’ve seen on the dating profiles of countless men and women. Excerpt from the dating profile of a 48-year old woman: Coming out of an 18-year marriage and ready to move forward and live life to its fullest and more. I love to laugh and I treasure a friend… read more

Online dating profiles. Today’s critique. Nov. 25, 2014.

Today I scanned dating profiles on okCupid looking for those that had common profile writing mistakes. Here’s an excerpt from one of them, followed by my critique. By posting typical online dating profile mistakes, rather than outrageous ones (ohhhh there are many of those!), my hope is that I can keep you from making them yourself. From the dating profile of a 33-year old man: I have been told that I am a very patient person and that I’m fun… read more

Online Dating Profiles and Tips for Cell Phone Selfies.

I don’t understand why some singles continue to take self-portraits with their cell phones. More perplexing still is that they usually do it while looking at themselves through a bathroom mirror. I’ve come to realize that cell phone pictures are the online dating equivalent of comb-overs and wearing socks with sandals. Though everyone makes fun of them, some people miraculously think they can get away with them. I suggest that you can’t. Taking a cell phone selfie in the bathroom is… read more

Luv and online dating profiles.

Not long ago, I noticed that people were throwing around the expression “I heart” rather than saying “I love”. I assume this was meant to be cute. Personally, as a writer and someone over 3 years of age, I found it to be annoying. I’m fine with using a heart as a symbol for love. It’s a great visual and has certainly been used successfully in the ads for New York. However, to use it instead of love in a… read more